- Viduel = Video Duel. (pronounced vid-dool) A duel between two versions of a specific song. (Wisconsin slang VID-yool)
- Vout = Video Bout. A Vout consists of one or more Viduels.
- Voutist = A contestant in a Vout.
- VC1 and VC2 = Video Choice #1 and Video Choice #2. A shorthand way to reference each video choice.
- V.I.P. = Vout Information Purveyor = An independent person assigned as the go-between among Voutists and Judges.
- Judge = One of several independent persons assigned the task of judging a Vout.
- Song Plucker = The Voutist responsible for picking a song for a Viduel. In leagues with 1 Viduel per Vout, the home team has the choice of being the Song Plucker or deferring that responsibility to the other player. If deferred, the home team selects the first VC.